Our Sustainability

Ushering in a greener future with our ESG agenda via the Gamuda Green Plan.

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How We Do Things Differently

In 2021, Gamuda Group unveiled the Gamuda Green Plan, a commitment to sustainable construction and development with specific steps to reduce direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions' intensity by 30% in 2025 and by 45% in 2030. The Group aims to achieve this by the way of the four (4) pillars.

Pillar 1: Sustainable Planning and Design for Construction

To facilitate sustainable master planning featuring climate responsive design, integrated transport and super low energy buildings with smart features.

Pillar 2: Our Community In Our Business

To develop talents capable of cultivating good opportunities and growth in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG).

Pillar 3: Environmental & Biodiversity Conservation

To drive impactful efforts in nature conservation and biodiversity stewardship in our townships and property developments.

Pillar 4: Enhancing Sustainability via Digitalisation (IBS)

To leverage technology and data management to enhance Group-wide efforts in sustainable development.
